Wednesday 5 December 2012


10 Different Robots

  1. QRIO: the dancing robot-QRIO is capable of voice and face recognition he stood two feet (0.6m) tall and weighed 16 pounds.
  2. HRP-2 Promet: the robotic butler- These robotic assistants can complete tasks such as controlling your TV, opening the fridge by voice commands.
  3. WR-07: a real Transformer-this robot can change into humanoid form and a vehicle.
  4. The lego robotic bartender- this robot is made by lego blocks.
  5. RHex: the Robotic Pooch- Hex is a man-portable robot with extraordinary rough terrain mobility and can climb over stuff like rock, sand, and other rough surfaces.
  6. RiSE: the climbing robot- rise is a small 6 legged robot that can climb over vertical terrain such as walls, trees and fences.
  7. BigDog: the robotic mule-  Big Dog can carry heavy loads up to 54 kg. he is 0.7 meters tall, and weighs 75 kilograms.
  8. Albert Hubo: an "Einstein" Robot- Albert HUBO is an android robot. It is composed of a head, which takes after Dr. Albert Einstein, and HUBO's body
  9. ASIMO: the humanoid robot- he can recognise gestures, movment, and also has stuff like Environment recognition, Distinguishing sounds, Facial recognition.
  10. pack bot- PackBot was created by IRobot and More then 2000 are currently stationed in Afghanistan and Iraq.


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