Monday 17 December 2012

I, Robot Movie Summary and Review

The main character in this movie  was named Spooner who was a detective, who did not trust robots as much as any other person in Chicago city, year 2035. In the movie the robots were supposed to follow three laws.
  1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  2. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.
 But one robot that Dr. Alfred Lanning who works at U.S. robotics made was different than the other robots. He made one robot who had the ability to not follow these Laws. The robot's name was Sonny. Spooner suspected that Sonny had killed Dr.Lanning. Vicki who was a computer program hacked a lot of robots to kill the Humans and so their first target was Spooner. (But obviously the Hero either dies at the end or does not at all, in this case Spooner does not die). But Spooner did not know it was VIKI controling the robots, and thought that Lawrence Robertson was the one wanting to destroy humans. So when he headed over to his building, he found him dead and there they knew it was VIKI hacking the robots so they got nanobots in a tube to inject VIKI So at the end of the movie VIKI gets terminated and robots stop invading the earth.
I,Robot Movie Questions :
  • Who killed Dr.Lanning
    • Sonny at the end told spooner that he had killed Dr.Lanning
  • Who was the robot that had the ability to break the laws
    • Sonny
  • Who is Sonny
    • Sonny is the main robot in the movie who had the ability to break the Laws
  • Who Hacks the robots
    • VIKI hacks the robots
  • Why was Sonny special
    • He had the ability to break the three laws


I liked the part where will smith is in the tunnel with all the robots attacking him. For me I did not dislike anything in the movie. The end was interesting because in the end you find out that Sonny was the one who killed Dr.Lanning. I also thought the part when will smith shows his robotic arm was cool. So overall this was one of the best sci-fi movies I have watched.

I give I, Robot...

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Artificial Intelligence is doing stuff like making robots or other cool technology while working in a lab.

A.I. Resources

  • phones
  • drones
  • military uav's
  • PS3's
  • computers
I think 2030 will look like this...


10 Different Robots

  1. QRIO: the dancing robot-QRIO is capable of voice and face recognition he stood two feet (0.6m) tall and weighed 16 pounds.
  2. HRP-2 Promet: the robotic butler- These robotic assistants can complete tasks such as controlling your TV, opening the fridge by voice commands.
  3. WR-07: a real Transformer-this robot can change into humanoid form and a vehicle.
  4. The lego robotic bartender- this robot is made by lego blocks.
  5. RHex: the Robotic Pooch- Hex is a man-portable robot with extraordinary rough terrain mobility and can climb over stuff like rock, sand, and other rough surfaces.
  6. RiSE: the climbing robot- rise is a small 6 legged robot that can climb over vertical terrain such as walls, trees and fences.
  7. BigDog: the robotic mule-  Big Dog can carry heavy loads up to 54 kg. he is 0.7 meters tall, and weighs 75 kilograms.
  8. Albert Hubo: an "Einstein" Robot- Albert HUBO is an android robot. It is composed of a head, which takes after Dr. Albert Einstein, and HUBO's body
  9. ASIMO: the humanoid robot- he can recognise gestures, movment, and also has stuff like Environment recognition, Distinguishing sounds, Facial recognition.
  10. pack bot- PackBot was created by IRobot and More then 2000 are currently stationed in Afghanistan and Iraq.


Tuesday 4 December 2012

Rodney Brooks says robots will invade our lives

Summary for the video

In this video Rodney talked about the different types of robots and how they work such as in one part he demonstrates this robot that cleans your floors by itself. He describes how the robot senses what you do. He demonstrated how this robot called KISMET reacts to what you say to it and what you do.

one thing that I found interesting was when KISMET was reacting to what the people were saying to it. I also thought that in the part when the robot cleaning knew to not fall was pretty cool.

If you liked this summary, you are sure to like these TED videos too!

Dennis Hong: My seven species of robot

Heather Knight: Silicon-based comedy



Big Dog

Sunday 18 November 2012


2 things I found interesting :
I found how phones can be so addicting and how people text during meetings or when they go shopping with a friend etc.

2 questions I have are:
My question is that will later on people get even more into texting or staying on their phones and are there going to be more inventions that addict people more?

Friday 2 November 2012

Magic with ipods!!

This video was about a person named Marco Tempest who does absolutely amazing magic tricks with ipods!!! He takes 3 Ipods on which it looks like there is the same screen, he takes a piece of paper brings it into the ipod he does many more tricks with the Ipods.

Who: Marco Tempest
What: He did magic with i pods
Where: He had the performance in the TED building
When: July 2011
Why: He wanted the people to see his magic.

I think this video relates to IT because he was using Ipods to do this magic trick and that he uses technology even in his other videos such as where he does the cyber card trick.

I found the part where he did the butterfly part and the smiley face part because they were both fake and made out of paper and plastic but he took them into the Ipod and back out.

Thursday 1 November 2012

10 interesting it jobs

Information Technology Jobs List

1.   Software designer
2.   Excel Developer
3.   Web Programmer
4.   Business/System Analyst
5.   IT support technician
6.   Website and Desktop Publisher
7.   Wireless Solutions Consultant
8.   Senior Application Specialist
9.   Network Engineer
10.  Solution Architect


Wednesday 31 October 2012

The Origins of Halloween

The Origins of Halloween

A. what are some typical halloween activities that people participate in? 
  • Trick or treating
  • Giving out candy
  • Decorating your house
  • Carving pumpkins
  • Doing fireworks
B.   Where does the name Halloween come from?
The name comes from all hallows eve.

C.  What day is Halloween celebrated on?
October 31

D.    What does UNICEF stand for?
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund.

E. How is UNICEF connected to trick or treating on Halloween?
The national UNICEF day is October 31.

F. What are three different Halloween related attractions you can go to in the Lower Mainland?  Explain all three.
  • Dunbar Haunted House
  • Stanley Park Ghost train
  • Fright nights at PNE
G.  Include at least one image of your choice in the body of your post.

Happy Halloween




dead mans pumpkin




spider senses

jason voorhees

scare o lantern

mad bob

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Avengers for xbox

Title: Avengers battle game a TKO on Xbox Kinect


Author: Ubisoft, Quebec.

Date Written: Tuesday, October 30, 2012.

Who: Ubisoft Quebec.
What: The article is about the game Marvel Avengers: Battle for the earth.
Where: The game is going to be sold worldwide.
When: The game released on October 30, 2012.
Why: The creators probably thought that it would be cool if they made a game on the movie avengers.

I think that the fact they made the game is going to be in kinect is pretty awesome. Something that I don't understand is that why they did not improve with the graphics. Because the game is for xbox I think the graphics should have been better.

I think this game relates to info tech by how the creators used computers for making the game. I also think that it relates to IT by how you are learning something everytime. 

Monday 29 October 2012

Forza Horizon

Title: latest Forza Horizon trades grim sim realism for bang-em-up fun                                       


Date Written: oct.26 2012, 2:02 pm.

Author: Turn 10 studios, Playground Games

Who: Turn 10 studios, playground developed this game.
What: The article is about the new game forza horizon.
Where: The game is sold world wide.

When: The game was released tuesday october 23, 2012. 
Why: To make more money or because of the demand of the people.

I think my article is interesting because of the graphics and how its a racing. I wonder what would happen if the game had a glitch in it and it did not work. I think if that happened the producer would be the one losing all that money on making the game and not getting the proffit from having the people buy the game.

I think this game relates to Info Tech by how they use computers to design the game. 

Friday 26 October 2012

sixth sense technology

Who:Pranav Mistry
What: A man who made technology controlled by gestures.
When: November 2009
Where: Mysore india
Why: He did the project because he wanted to make human life easier and to show how the technology works.
How: By taking the rollers of the mouse out and modifying it. he also had the ability to take pictures with his hands.

This video is related to INFO TECH by how he used computers and making your life easier.

I found it interesting how he could play games and watch movies on a piece of paper. I also thought how in the starting of the video he took the mouse apart and made a hand controlled thing.

fly with the jetman!

flying with the jetman

who: yves rossy
what: he flew with a jetpack
when: july 2011
where: edinburgh scotland, grand canyon, english channel, swiss alps
why: he wanted to keep that freedom
how: by turning his body 

how does this video relate to it8: how they used the computers etc. how ms.mcrae chose to watch the video .

i found it interesting how he did not need an buttons or controls to fly with the jetpack so the guy could control it moving his body. I also thought the way the jetpack was shaped was cool.