Most weight lifted by lateral raises in one hour Longest anamorphic painting
The main character in this movie was named Spooner who was a detective, who did not trust robots as much as any other person in Chicago city, year 2035. In the movie the robots were supposed to follow three laws.
A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human
being to come to harm.
A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such
orders would conflict with the First Law.
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not
conflict with the First or Second Laws.
But one robot that Dr. Alfred Lanning who works at U.S. robotics made was different than the other robots. He made one robot who had the ability to not follow these Laws. The robot's name was Sonny. Spooner suspected that Sonny had killed Dr.Lanning. Vicki who was a computer program hacked a lot of robots to kill the Humans and so their first target was Spooner. (But obviously the Hero either dies at the end or does not at all, in this case Spooner does not die). But Spooner did not know it was VIKI controling the robots, and thought that Lawrence Robertson was the one wanting to destroy humans. So when he headed over to his building, he found him dead and there they knew it was VIKI hacking the robots so they got nanobots in a tube to inject VIKI So at the end of the movie VIKI gets terminated and robots stop invading the earth. I,RobotMovie Questions:
Who killed Dr.Lanning
Sonny at the end told spooner that he had killed Dr.Lanning
Who was the robot that had the ability to break the laws
Who is Sonny
Sonny is the main robot in the movie who had the ability to break the Laws
Who Hacks the robots
VIKI hacks the robots
Why was Sonny special
He had the ability to break the three laws
I liked the part where will smith is in the tunnel with all the robots attacking him. For me I did not dislike anything in the movie. The end was interesting because in the end you find out that Sonny was the one who killed Dr.Lanning. I also thought the part when will smith shows his robotic arm was cool. So overall this was one of the best sci-fi movies I have watched.
QRIO: the dancing robot-QRIO is capable of voice and face recognition he stood two feet (0.6m) tall and weighed 16 pounds.
HRP-2Promet: therobotic butler- These robotic assistants can complete tasks such as controlling your TV, opening
the fridge by voice commands.
WR-07: a real Transformer-this robot can change into humanoid form and a vehicle.
The lego robotic bartender- this robot is made by lego blocks.
RHex: the Robotic Pooch- Hex is a man-portable robot with extraordinary rough terrain mobility and can climb over stuff like rock, sand, and other rough surfaces.
RiSE: the climbing robot- rise is a small 6 legged robot that can climb over vertical terrain such as walls, trees and fences.
BigDog: the robotic mule- Big Dog can carry heavy loads up to 54 kg. he is 0.7 meters tall, and weighs 75 kilograms.
Albert Hubo: an "Einstein" Robot- Albert HUBO is an android robot. It is composed of a head, which takes after Dr.
Albert Einstein, and HUBO's body
ASIMO: the humanoid robot- he can recognise gestures, movment, and also has stuff like Environment recognition, Distinguishing sounds, Facial recognition.
pack bot- PackBot was created by IRobot and More then 2000 are
currently stationed in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Summary for the video In this video Rodney talked about the different types of robots and how they work such as in one part he demonstrates this robot that cleans your floors by itself. He describes how the robot senses what you do. He demonstrated how this robot called KISMET reacts to what you say to it and what you do. one thing that I found interesting was when KISMET was reacting to what the people were saying to it. I also thought that in the part when the robot cleaning knew to not fall was pretty cool. If you liked this summary, you are sure to like
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